Local Food. Strong Farms. Healthy Communities.
Growing Minds is a program of ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project), a nonprofit based in Asheville, North Carolina, serving the Southern Appalachian region. ASAP’s mission is to help local farms thrive, link farmers to markets and supporters, and build healthy communities through connections to local food. Our Growing Minds work intersects with all of ASAP’s programs and initiatives, which include:
- Driving demand for local farm products, including publishing the Local Food Guide and other promotional materials.
- Building farmer capacity to access market opportunities through workshops, one-on-one support, and the Business of Farming Conference.
- Managing Asheville City Market and providing support for farmers markets throughout the region.
- Connecting chefs and food service buyers with farmers who suit their needs.
- Certifying local products grown or raised in the Southern Appalachians as Appalachian Grown.
- Offering local food and farm experiences through the Farm Tour and other events.
- Increasing access to local food through SNAP farmers market programs and Appalachian Farms Feeding Families.
- Studying and communicating the impacts of localizing food systems through the Local Food Research Center.
To learn more about ASAP’s work in the region, visit asapconnections.org.