Kids Can Compost

Composting is an easy way to reduce the amount of waste that makes it to the landfill. With this book, learn tips to composting, and how easy it can be for kids to join in on the action.

It Happens in the Month of March

March is a time for change and renewal, winter turns into spring, and everything awakens from its deep slumber. In this book you will find an overview of things that historically happened in March, and things that still occur during this month.

The Gulps

With the help of the youngest Gulp, Dawn, her family learns the value of healthy habits. The Gulps discover that life can be highly rewarding, without all the fast food.

Bob and Otto

Friends come in all shapes and sizes. While one friend finds himself completely transformed after a long snooze, the other sticks to his routine and feels that he has missed out on something special. In the end, however, they discover that one could not have survived without the other.

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