Golden Delicious: A Cinderella Apple Story
Read this true story about how the golden delicious apple was discovered, and how it became “The New Apple” to eat during the early 1900s.
Read this true story about how the golden delicious apple was discovered, and how it became “The New Apple” to eat during the early 1900s.
This story celebrates the life of an apple tree through every season of the year. Readers will learn about the tree coming to life in the spring, fruit starting to grow in the summer, harvesting in the fall, and the rest it requires throughout the winter. The readers will also come to realize that humans
It’s hard being the new kid in school, especially when you don’t speak English. On her second day with her new class Farah takes a trip to the apple orchard where she discovers that many things in her new home are just like the things she left behind.
Students will learn about seasonal weather patterns and their effects on local farms and gardens and use qualitative and quantitative measurements to describe weather.
Students become familiar with “My Plate”, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s nutrition program and teaching tool. Through an exploration of whole foods, they develop an understanding of good nutrition and well-balanced meals.