Seed by Seed

A unique variation of the typical Johnny Appleseed story. This book is a beautifully illustrated compilation of information about John Chapman, and why his legacy should matter to people today. The book ends with an invitation to “make our country and our world a better place,” as Chapman did — “seed by seed, deed by deed” — and


What happens undergound? Creatures dig, plants put down roots, worms tunnel… This book introduces students to the vast array of life that occurs under the ground.

Mama, is it Summer Yet?

In the last, chilly days of winter, a young boy longs for summer. His mother points out all of the signs of the changing season: buds swelling on trees, ducklings on the pond, seeds sprouting in the garden…. and they celebrate together when summer finally arrives by eating ripe, red, strawberries.

And then it’s Spring

A young boy and his dog are sick of winter, so they plant a garden and begin to wait. And wait, and wait.  Just when it seems as though the brown will never become green, spring magically appears!  This book is a quick read that benefits from paying close attention to the beautifully illustrated pages.

Ugly Pie

Bear is trying to hunt down some ugly pie, but all he can find are pies that please the eye! After gathering his ingredients, Bear has to cook up his ugly pie all by himself. How will it turn out? This book includes a recipe for ugly pie.

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