Meet Your Farmer: The Liar’s Table

…MCA of WNC is doing amazing things! Not only do they serve free meals for kids under the age of 18, but they also have a mobile food market that is offering free local produce and other nutritious foods from local farms, and local grocery stores. They also provide nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, and classes to support those with or at risk for diabetes through the Community Health department. For more information check out their websi…

Farm to School Taste Tests Students at Cullowhee Valley Elementary School enjoy a taste test of local sweet potatoes with help from Western Carolina University pre-service teachers and dietitians through ASAP’s Growing Minds Farm to School Program! Education and Nutrition Teachers: Use this video as a training tool for cafeteria taste tests!…


Meet Your Farmer: Forest Farmacy

…illiam Dissen. Chef Dissen brought along lots of ingredients to choose from, and Hall Fletcher Elementary students piled their English muffins high with local trumpet mushrooms, local arugula, pepperoni, cheese, onions, and tomato sauce.  Viewing comprehension questions: Where did Kat grow up? How did Christopher learn about mushroom cultivation? What is log cultivation? What is the vision for their farm? What do Christopher and Kat trade their mu…

NC Farm to Preschool Network

…people purchasing the produce. Check out the tools below! Fresh Produce Guide Instructions Produce Guide for Ages 1-2 Years – Excel Workbook Produce Guide for Ages 1-2 Years – PDF Produce Guide for Ages 3-5 Years – Excel Workbook Produce Guide for Ages 3-5 Years – PDF Produce Guide for Ages 6-18 years – Excel Workbook Produce Guide for Ages 6-18 Years – PDF Local Food Decision Tree in English and Spanish English Spanish NC F2P Network Resources &…

Meet Your Farmer: Lee’s One Fortune Farm

…etimes the skin of the sweet potato is a different color than the flesh inside. Sweet potatoes are commonly orange on the inside with brownish skin, but they come in many colors. Have your students ever eaten a purple sweet potato? Do they know what other colors sweet potatoes come in (white, yellow, red, purple, brown). As a class, make a list of other fruits and vegetables that can be purple (eggplants, cabbage, carrots, string beans, potatoes,…

Cooking Cabbage Apple Quesadillas Kindergarten students from Cullowhee Valley Elementary School cook apple cabbage quesadillas with help from Western Carolina University pre-service teachers and dietitians through ASAP’s Growing Minds Farm to School Cooking Program! Education and nutrition teachers: Use this video as a tool to show students how to conduct classroom cooking demonstrations….

Meet Your Farmer: Smallholding Farm Farmer Daniel Bryant practices minimal-to-no-till agriculture and takes great effort to nourish living soil while farmer Ellie Goldstein focuses on supplying and supporting the local community with rich produce, like their winter carrots. Find out why winter carrots are their favorite and what it takes to be good stewards of the environment. Smallholding Farm is located in Morganton, NC. “Our vision for the farm is to…

The Story of Growing Minds Our Growing Minds video premiered on the big screen at our Farm to School Institute at the North Carolina Center for Health and Wellness at UNC Asheville….

Meet Your Farmer: Yellow Mountain Garden

…vities–including soil painting, soil colors, and soil properties–compiled by the Soil Science Society of America at Want to teach younger kids the basics about the different types of soil (sand, silt, clay, and loam)? Check out the “Types of Soil Song” performed by educator Crystel Hidalgo. Journal Prompt In the video, Farmer Malcolm mentions that they grow food to share with their community. Why do you think it’s important to do t…

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