Green Wood For the Garden
This book is full of step by step projects for the garden using freshly cut wood. It has over fifteen projects for the outdoors, and includes advice on certain techniques pertaining to green wood.
This book is full of step by step projects for the garden using freshly cut wood. It has over fifteen projects for the outdoors, and includes advice on certain techniques pertaining to green wood.
In Grow Lab teachers learn how to build, feed, and support a garden in the classroom. It not only gives you step by step instructions it also shows teachers ways in which to incorporate the garden in their lessons.
This curriculum was developed by the National Gardening Association (NGA) for early childhood educators to use plants as a teaching tool. Through inquiry-based discovery children can learn all about plants and get excited about nature.
This resource is filled with developmentally appropriate activities for pre- Kindergarten to 2nd grade children that can be incorporated as a unit on plants and seeds in a classroom’s curriculum.
This book is written specifically for parents to involve children in a family garden. This is a great resource that includes the basics of taking care of a garden to creating fun family garden projects.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden created this handbook to connect children with the natural outdoors through activities involving gardening. With over 40 hands-on activities divided into five chapters about the natural environment and the science of plants, this is a great resource for families and educators to get children outside.
This curriculum was developed by the George Watts Montesorri in Durham, NC for lower elementary school students. The lessons are relevant to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and allow students to learn where food comes from and become hands on in the garden.
This book will help you save some Green in your garden! With 400 thrifty tips for saving money, time, and resources, you’re sure to find useful advice for starting or maintaining your own garden.
This guide is meant to help communities or schools get started with a garden, from fundraising and having an initial meeting, to breaking ground and activities involving youth. The case studies of school and community gardens around the United States show how connecting children to the earth is so important for their education.
Filled with tons of ideas from outdoor crafts to details about easy plants to grow, this project filled book is a fantastic resource for teachers and parents trying to get their kids excited about the garden.