Lesson Plans

…ources (for use at home or school) Growing Minds Day by Day is a year-long series of seasonal educational resources designed for families and teachers to use during the COVID-19 quarantine and beyond. Weekly resource lists feature a theme related to food, gardening, or nature. Each resource list includes thematic recommendations for children’s literature, local food recipes, lesson plans, activities, and online resources curated by the Growing Min…

Growing Minds Day by Day: Week of July 27

…gain in the spring. Watch a short video from PBS’ NOVA science program to see these fascinating creatures in action (educational supporting materials and NC science standards connections are also available on this page). You can also visit the National Park Service website to learn more about these amazing creatures.   —  That’s it for this week. Check back next week for new resources. Click here to access Day by Day resources from past weeks. If…

Fall Scene

Growing Minds Day by Day: Week of October 12

…er class or household to a bingo tournament! Take photos or videos to document each activity square that your students/kids complete, and share them with each other as you play.  Keep in mind that the activities your child will be able to participate in will depend on their age. — That’s it for this week. Check back next week for new resources. Click here to access Day by Day resources from past weeks. If you didn’t find what you’re looking for he…

Growing Minds Day by Day: Week of October 26

…, brown sugar, curry powder)  Directions:  Preheat the oven to 350 °F.  Rinse seeds to remove any pumpkin pulp. Dry the seeds on a clean cloth kitchen towel or paper towels.  In a bowl, toss pumpkin seeds with a tablespoon or so of oil or melted butter, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of any spices you choose to use to season your seeds. Spread the coated seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast for 20-30 minutes or until the seeds are gol…

Growing Minds Day by Day: Week of June 29

…: Sensory Gardens Infants and toddlers learn about the world through their senses: touch, sight, sound, taste, and smell.  Creating safe, diverse and developmentally appropriate outdoor learning environments can offer benefits across curriculum and developmental areas. Infants and toddlers are often thought of as “too young” to be involved in gardening, but they can be engaged through watering, harvesting, digging, and exploring worms, insects and…

Growing Minds Day by Day: Week of July 13

…t below the spent bloom and above the first set of leaves.  It’s also important to continue feeding compost to your tomato, cucumber, and peppers plants, and to tie them to garden stakes for support as they grow. Remove any withered or yellow leaves to prevent disease. Remove lower leaves from tomato plants to allow air to circulate. Water regularly. — That’s it for this week. Check back next week for new resources. Click here to access Day by Day…

Growing Minds @ Community College Funding

Please note that this page is for Growing Minds @ Community College participants only. If you would like to apply for funds for your preK-12 classroom, please fill out this application. What are the criteria for selection? This funding is open to community college Early Childhood Education instructors in North Carolina.  We accept funding applications on a rolling basis and award them as funding is available. What is required of Growing Minds @ C…

Growing Minds Day by Day: Week of August 3

…ar growing conditions, and they may be susceptible to the same pests and diseases. Growers can use this information to decide when and where to plant their crops each year.  The Nightshade plant family is large, with over 2,000 species of plants, a small portion of which are cultivated as crops we eat or as ornamental flowers, like petunias. Nightshades trace their origins to South, Central, and North America. Nightshade plants often have hairy or…

Growing Minds Day by Day: Week of May 11

…velyn Cheesman, who was the first woman to take charge of the London Zoo insect house, and who later embarked on eight solo expeditions to collect insects on distant islands. Watch a read-aloud of this book on YouTube.  Find more books Looking for more bug-themed children’s books for your young entomologist? Visit the Growing Minds’ farm to school literature database to browse our collection of recommended books. Type “insects” into the search bar…

Farm Field Trips

…ducational farm visits can happen any weekend and during school breaks; these resources are for you, too! What you can do Apply for farm field trip funds Find a list of farms that welcome visitors on ASAP’s Online Local Food Guide Read or download The Hayride: A Resource for Educational Farm Field Trips for tips and suggestions for your trip Request a class pack of (or print your own) Farm Tour Bingo Cards to take on your farm field trip. Bingo ca…

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