Grandpa’s Too-Good Garden
When Grandpa and his brother were young they planted a garden every year. One summer their garden was a little bit TOO good, and they were met with disastrous results!
When Grandpa and his brother were young they planted a garden every year. One summer their garden was a little bit TOO good, and they were met with disastrous results!
Kim goes to Grandma’s house to help her wake the garden. Together they transform a bare plot of land to a garden filled with possibility.
Joe and Gram plant a garden together, but they each have their own special way of doing things. Together, this grandma and grandson pair complete tasks during each of the four seasons, and then wait as the good brown earth takes care of the rest. Children will relate to Joe’s creative way of gardening. They
Rebecca Estelle hates pumpkins, so one day when she finds a vine growing in her garden, she decides to ignore it. When fall comes around, she discovers hundreds of pumpkins growing all over the yard! This story portrays the unpredictable aspects of gardening, and encourages sharing and community in a simple and powerful way.
Wesley, an outcast amongst his classmates, takes on an ambitious summer project of growing his own staple crop and founding a civilization! He tills up a bit of land in his back yard and wind blows the seeds of a crop into his garden. Tall plants quickly grow and he uses every part of the
Soil is every-where, and everything comes from soil! A Handful of Dirt gives students an in-depth look at how soil is formed, what it’s made of, and why it is important to all life—from microorganisms to worms to rabbits. Learn about the different jobs of microscopic creatures in the soil and discover hidden activity that’s
This book introduces students to new vegetables and fruits and how they grow. It features beautiful illustrations and foldout pages that capture students’ attention. A calendar on the last page displays images related to each month and season and a planting guide describes how to grow all of the plants featured in the book.
Over the years the US presidents have enjoyed the south lawn of the White House in a variety of ways. When Barack Obama became president, First Lady Michelle Obama decided to plant a kitchen garden on the lawn! With the help of some local school children the south lawn was transformed into an edible garden.