
Chicken Talk

The chickens on the farm have a message for their farm owners! They’re tired of arugula salad, how about putting a fan in their hot coop, and HEY—watch out for that snake in your tent. As the children walk around their beloved farm, they discover more and more chicken talk scratched into the dirt. The family


Bess the Barn Stands Strong

Beam by beam and board by board, Bess the barn is built by able hands to keep the farm’s animals safe and sound. Through many seasons and celebrations, that’s just what she does, until she starts to sag…and creak…and slump. Then new everything comes along: a new farmer and a shiny new barn. A storm


Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type

Farmer Brown has a problem. His cows like to type. All day long he hears Click, clack, MOO. Clickety, clack, MOO. But Farmer Brown’s problems REALLY begin when his cows start leaving him notes… “Dear Farmer Brown, The barn is very cold at night. We’d like some electric blankets. Sincerely, The Cows.” When Farmer Brown denies the cows’ request, the

Bridget’s Secret

Bridget is a hen who likes to be different. Every day she lays her brown speckled egg in a special place and every day Angus has to hunt high and low for it. One day Angus can’t find Bridget’s egg anywhere, nor can he find Bridget!

The Big Sneeze

The farmer is snoozing on the hay in his barn, surrounded by his dozy animals, when the fly buzzing about lands on his nose! Of course he sneezes, which sets off a long chain of consequences, until finally the terrified donkey panics! It has been compared to the traditional rhyme, “The House That Jack Built”,

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