Cucumber Soup
From Cucumber Soup by Vickie Leigh Krudwig
Read the book with your students and then make the recipe, combining science, math, and early literacy.
From Cucumber Soup by Vickie Leigh Krudwig
Read the book with your students and then make the recipe, combining science, math, and early literacy.
Farm to School doesn’t have to stop at the school garden, classroom, or cafeteria! Join ASAP September 21 and 22 for the annual Farm Tour.
Where do pickles come from? Many students are unaware that pickles start their lives as cucumbers! Help them make the connecting using this recipe by Liz and Katie Button of Cúrate.
This fresh tomato sauce can be especially colorful when made with a variety of heirloom tomatoes. The associated lesson plan includes literature selections and fun tomato activities.
Eggplants and tomatoes are both part of the Solanum family. Enjoy this recipe in the classroom along with a tomato tasting. How are they similar and different?
Don’t think there is much to do with eggplants? Think again! Here is a recipe to make a delicious eggplant sandwich.
This dish is perfect for the start of the school year when both local tomatoes and local okra are in season. Allow students to smell the ginger and different spices before they are added to the dish. Eliminate the hot pepper for young children.
Esta receta es perfecta para las primeras días de escuela cuando los tomates locales y el quingombó local son en la temporada. Permitir a los estudiantes a oler el jengibre y otras especias antes de que están añadido a la comida. Eliminar el pimiento picante para los niños jovenes.
Esta receta es fácil de hacer y sano. Es muy bien como un bocadillo o como una adición a cualquier comida. No es necesario añadir el jalapeño a menos que te guste el picante adicional.
This recipe is simple to make and healthy! Great as a snack or as an addition to any meal you cook. Don’t add jalapeno unless you like the extra spice.